Minority Institution Research Collaborative (MIRC)
Empowering Individuals from Historically Underrepresented Groups in STEM (IHUGS) since 2008
The Minority Institution Research Collaborative (MIRC) is a virtual collaboration of more than 20 minority-serving institutions (MSIs), non-MSIs, and companies dedicated to significantly increasing the representation and participation of Individuals from Historically Underrepresented Groups in STEM (IHUGS) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics within academia institutions, government agencies, and private corporations.
MIRC is primarily focused on providing research opportunities for IHUGS, including: faculty exchanges (e.g., from teaching-oriented MSIs to “Research 1” institutions); student exchanges between MIRC-affiliated universities; faculty-student team exchanges; and, international research opportunities for students. Mechanisms such as the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs, NSF Research Coordination Network (RCN) grants, NSF International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) projects; NSF Research Opportunity Awards (ROA); and other core NSF, NIH, NASA funding mechanisms are used to support research exchange.
MIRC Directorship and Steering Committee
MIRC Membership (Liaisons and Institutions)
Welcome Dr. Priyanka Sharma…!
The Ceballos Lab welcomes our new postdoc in protein biochemistry, Dr. Priyanka Sharma..!
Welcome Dr. Basha Sreenivasulu..!
The Ceballos Lab welcomes our new postdoctoral scholar in microbiology, Dr. Basha Sreenivasulu (India)...!
Welcome New Graduate Students…!
Welcome: Nour Fatema (Bangladesh), MS Student (CEMB); Jaspreet Kaur (India), PhD Student (CEMB); Yelimar Jimenez (Puerto Rico), PhD Student (CEMB); Blythe Bunkers (USA), PhD Student (CEMB). We are glad you made it...!
Welcome New Graduate Students
The Ceballos Lab welcomes five new graduate students. Kelsey Bevenour (B.S. in Physics, University of Delaware) joins the lab as a Ph.D. student in SPAC. Abdul Alrezaihi (B.S. in Medical Laboratory Science from King Saud University, Saudi Arabia; M.S. in...
Ceballos Lab secures a NSF MCB award
The Ceballos Lab secures 4-year $800,000 research grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB). The award is in response to a proposal entitled, "Synthetic Biology: Impacts of Structural Alternations on...